Meet one of our 2018 sponsors, CTRL Collective!

CTRL Collective Pasadena

One of our newest sponsors this year is CTRL Collective, a collaborative coworking space for discerning entrepreneurs with campuses across Southern California and one in Colorado.

“CTRL Collective is the place for innovation and collaboration, a supercollider for the visions of conscientious creators,” says Paulyna Melendez, event planning leader at CTRL Collective Pasadena. “We are your co-conspirator in your endeavors to change the way the world works. Our creative workspace environments are designed to suit the needs of teams of 1-100.”

Similarly to TEDxPasadena, CTRL Collective values community: “Community is our safety net that allows us to have the courage to take risks. Whether we succeed or fail, we know we have the support to get back up again and keep going,” its website states.

The business also believes in an 80/20 rule, where individuals should devote 80 percent of your time to your own endeavors and spend 20 percent of it giving back to your community.

“We love engaging with the community and being a part of all things innovative. TEDxPasadena community just fits in-line with our mission and fundamentals of giving back to the community,” Melendez said.

CTRL Collective will be tabling at our interactive space this year and Melendez says they can’t wait to be part of the event.

“Empowering communities and helping individuals become stronger is so important. Knowledge is what makes this world go round and TEDxPasadena is there to propel everyone forward!” she said.

CTRL Collective will be giving away complementary one month part-time memberships to TEDxPasadena attendees who visit their table, so be sure to check them out!

To learn more about CTRL Collective, click here. For more information about CTRL Collective’s Pasadena campus – including details about amenities, scheduling a tour, the team, rates, and upcoming events – click here.

CTRL Collective Pasadena

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