Want to win a pass to the Hackaday Superconference? TEDxPasadenaWomen is giving away 4 tickets!

TEDxPasadenaWomen is giving away FOUR tickets to the Hackaday Superconference in Pasadena on November 11th and 12th!

The Hackaday Superconference is the greatest gathering of hardware hackers, builders, engineers, and enthusiasts on the planet. Hundreds of engineers and engineering enthusiasts gather for organized talks and workshops along with the extemporaneous challenges, conversations, and discovery that make Supercon the ultimate hardware conference.

Supercon 2017 will take place November 11th and 12th in Pasadena, California. And our wonderful partners at the Supplyframe DesignLab are once again opening their doors for event attendees! All are invited to celebrate with drinks and appetizers at a special kick-off celebration at Supplyframe headquarters on November 10th. The Supplyframe DesignLab space—combined with the excellent performance hall in the adjoining LA College of Music and the private outdoor venue that connect the two—creates the perfect scene for an amazing hacker village.

So, how do you win a FREE ticket?

Write to scholarships.tedxpasadenawomen@gmail.com by Wednesday, November 1st and let us know why you should be chosen to attend. We’ll give away one ticket per winner—which means four members of our community have a chance to go!

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